Arizona Monsoon Thunderstorms, Macrobursts, Microbursts and your Roof.

monsoon windsIf you’ve lived in Arizona during the summer months, you’ve experienced the Arizona monsoon. Prior to 2008, Arizona’s monsoon period varied year to year. However, in 2008, the National Weather Service set an official schedule for the monsoon: June 15th through September 30th.* We are a public adjusting firm specializing in assisting you in getting your claim paid by your insurance company. We are insurance adjusters who work for you! We are not roofing contractors!

Arizona’s summer thunderstorms bring damaging winds, driving rain, and walls of dust as high as 3,000 feet in the air. They also bring damage to your home or business, often in ways you don’t even realize until months later.

It’s obvious when a tree falls on your home, or debris blows through a window that you’ve got an insurance claim on your hands. If you’ve got rain coming in through your ceiling, you know you’ve likely got a roof damage claim with your homeowner’s insurance company. However, what if you have roof damage due to high winds (such as in a macroburst or microburst) and it’s not raining? Without the rainwater pouring in – or half your roof shingles laying in the neighbor’s yard – most people won’t realize they’ve got roof damage from a monsoon storm.

downburstNarrow pockets of fierce downdrafts called downbursts occur during a monsoon storm. Larger downbursts are called macrobursts. These are 2 1/2 miles or larger in diameter and pack a punch of damaging winds lasting from 5-20 minutes in duration. Smaller downbursts are called microbursts. These are smaller than 2 1/2 miles in diameter with extreme winds lasting from 2-5 minutes in duration.**

If you live in an area that has experienced either a macroburst or microburst, you could have sustained damage to your roofing system and not even know it. Then, months later when your neighborhood experiences a hard rain, you can have multiple interior leaks – and have no idea how the damage occurred.

If you suspect you could have roof damage, it’s always a good idea to have a roof inspection done. Your roof is one of the most important parts of your home – and one of the claim types that insurance companies fight hardest against. You don’t want to be left holding the bill for an expensive roof replacement if you have a legitimate insurance claim that should be paid by your insurer.

We are experienced in getting roof claims covered by the insurance companies. Our team of experts knows how to present your claim to the carrier to get legitimate damage covered. Call us today if you’d like to discuss your insurance claim with one of our public adjusters.

* Arizona Monsoon Thunderstorms,
** Arizona Monsoon Basics, Pepper Ridge North Valley Weather Station.

1 thoughts on “Arizona Monsoon Thunderstorms, Macrobursts, Microbursts and your Roof.

  1. Kim Casey says:

    I have had microburst damage to my roof. The storm caused cracks in roof vents and water came pouring into home. My insurance company is claiming wear and tear and denying claim. I already had a restoration company come out and do removal. I also had a rebuild company do a bid to rebuild. The total is over 30k and insurance company does not want to pay for anything. We have no bathrooms and are displaced from home. The insurance company approved us for three weeks of hotel in the beginning but we found another option. They denied this claim two months after filing. Insurance adjuster approved housing, told me to pull everything out and get a bid for rebuild and now they are claiming wear and tear and denial. I need to know my rights. Thank you.

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